The Stonehenge Watch™
The Stonehenge Watch is specially crafted to keep the integrity of the original construction of Stonehenge, and thus, when opening the watchcase, can use the built-to-scale model of Stonehenge as a shadow clock to tell time, mark the four seasons and note the passage of years. The Stonehenge Watch is modeled after an old-fashioned railroad pocket watch and has been handsomely constructed to also include an analog quartz watch on one side (for those who insist on modern methods of time-telling) and a relief of Stonehenge on the other.
Cambridge, MA (PRWEB) November 15, 2006 -- After selling out the inaugural run of the 5th Millennial Edition of the Stonehenge Watch -- "A great leap backward in time telling!" The makers of The Stonehenge Watch are pleased to announce that it is back in stock and ready to ship. This edition commemorates the 5th Millennia of the construction of Stonehenge.
Great Leap Backward in Time
The Stonehenge Watch has garnered much international attention and has been featured at The International Sky Art Conference at MIT, on BBC-TV, in Astronomy Magazine, in Stuff/UK's 100 Best Gadgets of All-Time issue; featured in Inc. Magazine, is represented in the classic college textbook, Astronomy: From Earth to the Universe (Saunders), and has even been for sale at the Stonehenge site itself.
The Stonehenge Watch overlooking Niagara Falls.
"Apparently the conveniences of modern technology have made us all very lazy. It's just too easy to tell time these days, which is why Sharpe Products is going super-old-school and selling the Stonehenge Watch… this pocketwatch manages the perfect blend of style and street cred for the Druid-on-the-go. It's a throwback to the days before atomic clocks and internet time servers, when estimating the time to within an hour was considered deadly accurate."
"Gadget of the Day: Stonehenge Watch Is that a megalithic monument in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? Oh I see it really is Accurate to the …"
"Lately, we've seen a ton of innovative new watches that change the way you have to read time. Here's our top 10 of the most innovative watches on the market: 10. Piaget Polo Tourbillion. 9.Luxury Erotic Watches. 8. Scope Watch. 7. The Stonehenge Watch™..."
"Klar, eine Stonehenge-Uhr. (Was halt man so braucht...)"
"If it was good enough for the Druids, isn't it good enough for you?"
"The great American poet Henry David Thoreau admonished his readers to "simplfy, simplify, simplify." If you feel as if you should heed this call, and you have no desire to wind watches or change batteries a traditional solution awaits…. The Stonehenge Watch."
"A stonehenge watch: Probably the coolest watch I've seen in my entire life."
"A classic timekeeping gadget: Stonehenge is certainly surrounded by mystery concerning why it was built and by whom. Druids, aliens, Merlin, the devil -- heck, we don't know -- probably built by some ancient ancestors of modern geeks. You can now harness the power of the sun and the stones by using the Stonehenge Watch."